Gulab jamun a popular Indian sweet and undoubtedly has countless fans.I'm not sweet toothed but still wanted to make this yummy dessert and it turned out delicious.I'm glad that finally after a month of procrastination I finally got time to post this recipe.
The size of the jamun's increases after mixing them with the sugar syrup.
Sending this to bookmarked-recipes-every-tuesday-event hosted by Priya & Aipi.
Recipe source :Learned from sheela aunty my friend's mom, when she visited them this summer.
Gulab Jam Mix - 1/2 packet(makes 15 -20 jamun's)
Milk - 4tsp
Oil - To fry
Sugar - 1cup
Water - 1cup
Ghee - 1tsp
Cardamom/Elaichi - 2(powder)
1.Mix gulab jam mix and milk to make a smooth dough(do not knead hard as you do for roti) and leave it aside for 15min.
2.After 15 min ,apply ghee to your hand ans make round balls of desired size and keep all the balls in a plate.Meanwhile heat oil on medium and start frying the jamun's and leave them in a tissue.
3.In a bowl add 1 cup water ,1 cup sugar and boil the water on medium flame for 10 min ,add a drop of lime juice and cardamom powder.Check the syrup consistency and add little water if required.
4.Add jamun's to the syrup and leave it on low flame for 2-3 minutes and switch off the heat.

Note:Once the oil is hot drop one ball and check if its raising after 2-3 seconds then the temperature is perfect to fry the jamun's,if the balls raise immediately then there is a chance that jamun's may turn dark outside and remain uncooked inside.Gulab Jam Mix - 1/2 packet(makes 15 -20 jamun's)
Milk - 4tsp
Oil - To fry
Sugar - 1cup
Water - 1cup
Ghee - 1tsp
Cardamom/Elaichi - 2(powder)
1.Mix gulab jam mix and milk to make a smooth dough(do not knead hard as you do for roti) and leave it aside for 15min.
2.After 15 min ,apply ghee to your hand ans make round balls of desired size and keep all the balls in a plate.Meanwhile heat oil on medium and start frying the jamun's and leave them in a tissue.
3.In a bowl add 1 cup water ,1 cup sugar and boil the water on medium flame for 10 min ,add a drop of lime juice and cardamom powder.Check the syrup consistency and add little water if required.
4.Add jamun's to the syrup and leave it on low flame for 2-3 minutes and switch off the heat.
The size of the jamun's increases after mixing them with the sugar syrup.
Sending this to bookmarked-recipes-every-tuesday-event hosted by Priya & Aipi.
Recipe source :Learned from sheela aunty my friend's mom, when she visited them this summer.
But, I still deleted your entry, please add it again, the reason being, you had linked my event URL itself instead of your recipe URL... lol
So, please do link it again, thanks for linking though :)
Thanks a lot for linking this to bookmark event :)
US Masala
- Smita
(fun foods for little eaters
And thank you for your comments on my you methi chicken too